Dear Fellow Organic Gardener,

Congratulations on making your way to Eric’s Organic Garden.  My name is Eric Fernandes and I have been gardening organically for about 19 years.  I created this website so that I can share all the knowledge and information that I have with others who are looking to build their very own garden in their backyard.  If you want to know more about me and how I got started with organic gardening visit the about me page.

Organic gardening is a fun and exciting way for anyone benefit from with just a few simple steps and instructions.  Not only will you grow good food but you will also have the advantage of eating healthier without the use of chemicals and other poisons that you would otherwise find in the supermarket.  That is one of the reasons I want to share my knowledge with you so that you too can have the amazing benefits of growing a luscious and vibrant organic garden.

In order to achieve success you will need to understand some of the basics of growing your own garden.  There are many different tricks and techniques that you can use to improve and help with this task and you will soon learn all about it.  This website was designed to help the most novice of gardeners so that they can produce healthy and tasty foods in there own home.

You can even follow me through my organic gardening journey by checking out my daily blog.  Here I will post articles of exactly when I begin my planting season and what I will do each day.  Some things that you will discover include when exactly you should begin your season, setting up your garden, when to till, when to water, how to water, when to fertilize, how to stake tomatoes, attracting beneficial insects, using the right organic fertilizers, and so much more.

Basically you will have the chance to follow along with exactly what I am doing and watch how I am able to create a beautiful and abundant harvest each and every year.  This is based on years of experience and many failures along the way, but I want spare you all the failures by providing you with the techniques that work for me and will continue to work for many years to come.

Eric Fernandes