More Flowers and Vegetables to Start Growing Indoors

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It’s time to start growing more flowers that you need during the garden season including more vegetables as well.  I unfortunately ran out of room on the windowsill and I had to utilize a simple fluorescent light – which you can purchase at any hardware store – to get these plants up and flourishing.

The good news is that many of your plants will be ready when spring time comes around and all you will have to do is transplant them into the garden.  There are some plants which you cannot transplant including carrots, corn, beans, etc.  You should grow as many plants as you can before hand to have a better harvest.

Today I decided to grow some flowers and vegetables.  There were some flowers that I was not able to get to previously, but they can always be planted directly outdoors if I had ran out of room inside.

I planted cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and cantaloupe or muskmelons today.  I used plastic cups again for these plants to give them enough room and nutrients to last all the way to transplant time.  As previously mentioned I like to use worm compost as it contains the perfect amount of minerals that all your plants will need and is a great way to get a kick start to a healthy garden year.

I planted only four containers for each vegetable which I believe is a good amount for any small garden.  If these seeds don’t grow it is no big deal because I can always plant them directly outside which is another way to go.

I always make sure that I place more than one seed into each pot because some of them might not sprout.  This ensures that at least one seed will sprout which is what we are looking for.  If any others sprout these will have to be discarded as you don’t want plants growing right on top of each other.

If you are using older seeds (which I don’t recommend) you will have to place at least four to six seeds per container.  The older the seed is the lower the sprouting rate and the higher failure rate.  I would not use seeds that are older than two years.

Some flowers I decided to grow include amaranthus – loves lies bleeding, cosmos – seashell mix, and calendula – pacific beauty.  These are some flowers that are great in attracting good insects and bugs that your garden will need.

I places flowers seeds into cups just like my vegetables.  The only difference with flowers is that I place multiple seeds in a pot and I spread them around.  The seeds will not be in one spot.  Here is a picture I took when I was planting amaranthus:

Planting Amaranthus

The seeds are extremely small, but the white specks are the seeds that you spread around through the container you are using.  This has worked for many years and they usually grow pretty fast once you get them outside.

Here is a comparison of the amaranthus seeds when I place them in my hand:

Amaranthus seeds