Spinach Has Started to Sprout

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It has been a couple of weeks since I planted spinach seeds, but it is now starting to pay off. The first couple of seeds are starting to sprout and popping out of the soil. It might take another week or so before the rest of the seeds start growing.

Spinach is one of those plants that does take a while before they start sprouting all at once. It can take up to three weeks before they are all through the soil. This is where patience is a virtue and something you must have when gardening. Time is essential and by planting them early gives you a buffer just in case many of them do not sprout. 

Here are a couple of pictures that I took of the first sprouted seeds:
Picture 1 001

Picture 1 003

Picture 1 002

As you can see they grow similar to other plants as they start out with two leaves, but these two leaves are uniquely shaped.  From the center they will grow more leaves and on top of that even more and etc…

I will keep you up to date with how my spinach plants are doing and stay tuned for the next plants which I will be starting in doors very soon.