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bean sprouting

First Lettuce Harvest of the Season

Today was perfect for picking lettuce leaves especially after the rain we got this past week.  The cool weather also helped them and it showed when I started harvesting the plants and how big the leaves were.  They were similar in size to my spinach leaves that were picked last month.

I probably could have picked some leaves in mid to late May if I wanted to, but I wanted to make sure that the leaves got as big as they possibly could.  Most of the plants had large lettuce leaves which were the oldest and the first ones harvested. (more…)

Garden Update: Peppers, Melon, and Another Row of Corn Planted

A couple days ago during a nice warm day I wanted to get in the garden another row of corn and some transplants that I wanted to get out of the way.  So far I have been adding a row of corn every five days and I only have about ten feet of planting space left.  Once I am done with the corn and all the seeds have sprouted I can then remove the bird netting that is protecting my seeds.


Third Set of Corn
