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cherry tomato


Getting a Little Bit More Blueberries From the Second Harvest

With spring crops ending with little left to pick it is time to move on to blueberries and other warmer weather crops. I am using a summer hybrid broccoli that is supposed to be able to withstand the warm hot summer temperatures. I plan on growing and harvesting them all season long making sure that they do not flower or go to seed. (more…)

Eggplant, Peppers, and Tomatoes Can be Started Indoors

As you know we previously discussed planting watermelon and flowers indoors, but now you should know that there are more vegetables and fruits you can begin soon as well.  I would recommend peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes to be next on your list.

Eggplants are another one of those vegetables that can take quite a long time to mature or produce fruit.  I like to use the black beauty eggplant which are heirloom seeds that you can save at the end of the year.  They are able to ripen towards the end of the season, but if you plant them inside you can extend the season by a couple of months.  If you love eggplant now is the time to get them into containers right away. (more…)