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three large strawberries in my hand.

May: The Busiest Month of the Garden Season

May is probably one of the busiest months of the garden season because this is when most of your plants are transplanted, seeds are sown directly into the garden soil, the rest of the garden is being tilled, and even strawberries are starting to turn red and ripening for a June harvest. Right now all I have left to put into the garden are my pepper plants, eggplant, and hopefully some melon seeds into the soil as long as there is still some room after my transplants are settled into the ground.

Strawberry Harvest

Three Strawberry Harvests Completed This Year

I have finally placed all my plants into the ground with an exception of a couple which will be placed very soon before the end of June. The only successful harvest at the moment has been my strawberries. I have been picking some late broccoli as well, but these are just a few heads and florets. I have some good lettuce that I will start picking soon I just wanted to be sure that the leaves will not turn out bitter. I made certain to do a few consecutive watering with lime to sweeten the soil.


Multiple Harvests of Fruits and Vegetables Today

Rather than collecting just one or two types of fruits or vegetables I decided on picking everything that looked ripe.  This includes zucchini, beans, cucumbers, peppers, cantaloupe, and even cherry tomatoes.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to pick some more corn yesterday, but I decided to wait until this afternoon to pick some more ears.  Most of them should be ready by now or at least ripe enough to be considered for consumption. (more…)