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Just some corn from the first harvest of 2021

Zucchini, Cucumbers, and Even Corn Harvested

Now it is harvest time with several plants that are ripening with many vegetables for hopefully a good continuous harvest. I hope that these plants continue to grow and thrive as long as the weather is good they should produce a good crop for the season. Corn will eventually end much sooner than the rest of my garden, but I am going to enjoy whatever corn is picked. There are some others that are almost ready to pick such as tomatoes and possibly an eggplant real soon. I also have many pepper plants with peppers growing on them and they should start being harvested as well.


three large strawberries in my hand.

May: The Busiest Month of the Garden Season

May is probably one of the busiest months of the garden season because this is when most of your plants are transplanted, seeds are sown directly into the garden soil, the rest of the garden is being tilled, and even strawberries are starting to turn red and ripening for a June harvest. Right now all I have left to put into the garden are my pepper plants, eggplant, and hopefully some melon seeds into the soil as long as there is still some room after my transplants are settled into the ground.

tomatoes, peppers, and beans

The Latest Harvesting: Tomatoes, Beans, and Green Peppers

It’s been a long time since my last post, but I am still gardening and have some more harvests to discuss in this article. So far I have finished harvesting my radishes which were done a couple of months ago. My lettuce is also finished and once the hot weather came they were no longer able to produce new leaves and eventually turned brown. Peas did not do well this season and now that summer is here they are done as well. With a new weather season means new harvests to do and more vegetables to pick for the next couple of months until the next season, fall.


the first harvest of red lettuce this season.

Wonderful Harvests Continuing with Strawberries, Lettuce, and More

The garden has been quite well and it looks like I am just about done planting all my summer crop plants for the season. I have already had several harvests of different fruit and vegetables and I have been enjoying their flavor through the past month. There are just a few things I need to do like stake my tomatoes, possibly add mulch to my corn and other plants that would benefit from it, and set up my bean trellis which shouldn’t take that long.


Multiple Harvests of Fruits and Vegetables Today

Rather than collecting just one or two types of fruits or vegetables I decided on picking everything that looked ripe.  This includes zucchini, beans, cucumbers, peppers, cantaloupe, and even cherry tomatoes.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to pick some more corn yesterday, but I decided to wait until this afternoon to pick some more ears.  Most of them should be ready by now or at least ripe enough to be considered for consumption. (more…)