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spinach leaf

Planted Corn, Carrots, and Bean Seeds in Garden

Now temperatures are in the high 70’s and the month of May is coming to an end I thought now would be a great time to start planting bean, corn, and carrot seeds into the garden.  I could have planted them earlier in the month, but I wanted to get most of my transplants into the ground first before growing these seeds.

The good news is that these plants do not need that much time to mature except for maybe corn.  Carrots do not need that much time to complete their roots and pole beans once they start getting flowers they are pretty much all set for the season. (more…)

Picking Spinach Leaves, Weeding, and Adding Wood Ash

Yesterday I decided to pick some of the spinach leaves that were getting quite large outside.  I like picking the leaves when they get large enough that they can be used for a sandwich.  You can pick them small and toss them into a salad, but I prefer larger darker leaves rather than small paler ones.

One thing you need to keep in mind is not picking too many leaves because this could cause them to go to seed very quickly and that would end your spinach season.  So to prevent this from happening I always leave a couple of large leaves on the plant.

This way you are not shocking them with removing too much of the leaves.  As long as you keep feeding them they will continue to produce delicious green foliage.  Here are some pictures I took of before and after cutting the leaves. (more…)