Two Bowls Overflowing with Pole Beans

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Just a quick post today about some of the vegetables I collected this past week.  The last post I discussed about some beans that I collected which weighed about nine pounds.  This week I actually was able to pick many more than the previous harvest.

I was actually surprised there were much more than before.  I didn’t make any record, but still 13 pounds is pretty good for one harvest.  It was so much that I overfilled two bowls just to get them all in without having to get a third bowl.

When I went through my garden this morning I never would have thought that I needed three bowls or had this many beans to pick.  Sometimes it can be deceiving looking at pole beans because many times the leaves hide the beans when taking a quick look.  Because of this I overfilled two bowls with beans.

Pole Beans

Here is a better view of the beans overfilling the bowls I used to collect them.

Bowl of Beans

Second Bowl of Beans

This will make for some more canning this week and just a few more quarts added to my Winter storage.

Besides beans I did pick some zucchini, peppers, and a cucumber.  I still am waiting on my eggplants to ripen and I am sure that real soon they should be picked and used for some great dinner meals.

Two Zucchinis


Here is another pepper that was beginning to turn red.  I seem to be getting plenty of them this year.  I am just glad that they have been really large this garden season.

Pepper Turning Red

I also am getting another eggplant on one of the later plants that I had placed into the garden this year.  I wasn’t sure if I was going to get some, but they are producing flowers and one of them already has some fruit on it.  I will have to keep an eye on it and see how big it gets.

Start of an Eggplant