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Flowers and Herbs, Page 5

Some Updates on Plants I have Added to My Indoor Collection

I just wanted to update you on what has been going on indoors.  First of all I have started to plant celery for the first time.  I place them in 3 inch peat pots which I think is a great way to start off with something that I have never grown before.

I also planted some basil which is a delicious herb to have around during the summertime.  It is very delicious and is easy to store if you know exactly what you are doing.  This is all that I wanted to let you know about.  Both of these were placed under the fluorescent lights which will hopefully give them a kick start to sprouting very quickly.

What I Have Accomplished in The Past Couple of Days

The past couple of days have been pretty busy.  I have planted a few extra vegetables that I thought might be needed just in case others did not sprout or germinate.  I also added some more flowers to the mix and began getting ready to put the spinach into the ground.

This Friday I started getting the garden ready by cleaning up the debris that has collected on the ground including dead weeds, broccoli plants, leaves, etc.  Most of the debris from last season was cleared away the previous year so there should not be that much to clean up.  This also included removing the straw or lack there of from the strawberries. (more…)

Start Planting Flowers, Sunflowers, and Watermelon

Today I decided it was time for getting some plants ready for the spring.  This would include alyssum, dill, and queen annes lace.  I grow these particular plants early mainly for attracting beneficial insects such as lady beetles, parasitic wasps, and even honey bees.

I also like to get a head start with watermelons and sunflowers.  Watermelons take a very long time to mature and produce fruit.  Some can take as long as 110 days.  Since I live in a temperate climate I always  like to get right into growing this fruit as soon as possible.  By the time they are ready to be planted into the garden it should be warm enough for them to flourish

Sunflowers I like to get a head start on is because this is one of the first things I need to begin flowering.  The flowers of mammoth sunflowers are perfect for attracting pollinating bees.  Whether it be honeybees or native bees these plants can attract all kinds of pollinators.  This is the main reason for getting them a head start as well. (more…)