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Lettuce, Page 3

The Start of April Means Planting Onions and Lettuce

Sunny skies and warm weather means it is time to start planting onions and some other cold weather plants including lettuce.  Although it is the beginning of April there still might be some cold days ahead.  All that is needed is some row covers to protect your plants from a late frost. (more…)

Spinach, Pea, Radish, and Celery Seeds Into the Ground

This week is supposed to be cool, but with high enough temperatures that I can start planting most of my cool weather seeds.  I still have to plant the last of my seed potatoes and transplant my lettuce into the garden, but getting these four seeds into the garden is a big chunk of the cool weather season. (more…)

Waiting for All Lettuce Plants to Sprout

Now that some of my lettuce sprouts have started to pop through the soil soon it will be time to remove some of them and leave only one plant per pot.

I like to wait as long as possible so that I can just do all of them at the same time.  This year it looks like that will not happen and will have to do each pot periodically due to different sprouting rates. (more…)

Getting Started for the New Garden Season

The Winter season went by quite fast and it is already time to begin planting indoors.  This year rather than planting spinach indoors I have decided on beginning with lettuce instead.

I still will be growing spinach, but instead of starting them indoors I will just plant them directly outside when it is time to do so.  I have also decided to plant all four types of lettuce. (more…)

First Zucchini of the Season and More Lettuce Picked

So far I have been picking lettuce both Ruby glow and iceberg, but today I finally got to pick something new for the season.  The very first zucchini of 2016 was recorded this morning in my gardening journal.  It weighed three pounds and looks to be used within the next couple of days.

I also picked the most amount of leaves this morning from my iceberg lettuce patch.  My Ruby glow hybrid looks like it is going to seed very soon.  It is not surprising since these plants do not like the heat and it has been very warm for them over the past couple of weeks. (more…)

Steakhouse Tomato, Zucchini, and Ruby Glow Harvest

I am now getting some more tomatoes that are coming from most of my plants.  There are only a couple that don’t have any fruit yet, but they do have flowers which should bring some fruit very soon.

As I can see it looks like I am getting steakhouse tomatoes along with some cherry tomatoes.  I am probably getting some Roma tomatoes, but I am not quite certain which ones they are.  I would say in about a week I should know if I have any Roma tomatoes growing. (more…)

Second Harvest of Iceberg Lettuce

Today was a good day to do another harvest of my iceberg lettuce.  Many of the lower leaves have reached the peak of how big they were going to get and this is when I like to pick them.  I picked several leaves and most of them were very large which I am happy about.

Today made a perfect day to pick them due to the rain they received early this morning.  I like to pick them after a rain because this will help the plant grow more leaves after I pick the ones that are ready right now. (more…)

Thinning Carrots and Ruby Glow Lettuce Harvest

I have been pretty much weeding the entire garden this week and I wanted to wait until I completed that before writing another post, but instead I will give you a quick update on the garden instead.

I started with picking some of my Ruby glow lettuce earlier in the week and that was very exciting since last year I didn’t get as much as I would have liked.  The first harvest I had from them yielded me 65 leaves.  This is just short from my iceberg lettuce harvest. (more…)

Start of Lettuce Harvesting

Today was the first day of harvesting lettuce and only my iceberg lettuce for now.  I will most likely start picking my Ruby glow hybrid in another week or so.  I will have to pick them before they begin to go to seed.

I also planted some flowers in the garden this past week.  I had some flowers that I had not planted in the garden and since they were beginning to outgrow their containers I needed to place them in various places throughout the garden. (more…)

Placing Lettuce in the Garden with Some Seed Planting

Now that the entire garden has been tilled I wanted to get as much into the ground as possible.  This includes seeds such as corn and beans that need to be planted before June.  I also got most of my flowers into the ground which is another important element of my garden.

I still have plants that I have not had the chance to place in the garden, but most of these are just transplants of fruits and vegetables.  I will hope to finish them sometime this week. (more…)