Digging Up Potatoes Before The First Frost Arrives
Last updated onIt was finally time to start digging up my potatoes which took much longer than previous years of growing potatoes. Normally Yukon gold was my favorite potato to grow and it still is, but this year was very disappointing. Not many Yukon potatoes sprouted which gave way to very few plants which in turn equals very poor harvest. On the other hand I also planted Kennebec seed potatoes as well and they provided a very good harvest this year. This definitely made up for the poor performance I got from all my Yukon gold favorites.
I started digging my potatoes probably a week or so ago and I started with the Yukon gold plants because they looked like they were done with production for the season. I got a few good Yukon potatoes from the very few plants that I did have. When I started digging up my Kennebec potatoes I was very surprised at some of the sizes of these potatoes and the amount that I got from each plant.
After digging up my Yukon potatoes I wasn’t very certain that I was going to have a good harvest from the Kennebec ones. The good news is that the plants had been growing all season and they were very large and healthy plants which lead me to think that these new potatoes might deliver me a good harvest, which in the end it did. This harvest I got 28 pounds of potatoes which isn’t the most I have harvested, but definitely a good amount. I still have about a half a dozen more plants to dig up because they were not ready week ago and wanted to give them some more time. I will probably dig them up sometime this coming week.

I still have been picking tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers along with some of my spring crop that ended up surviving through the hot summer. My broccoli plants were made to withstand the heat and it showed with the harvest that I got from many of them. Now that the weather is getting cooler I should be getting more harvest from my kale, brussel sprouts, and broccoli. I also have some radishes that I had planted which probably need to be picked pretty soon before they start to go to seed.