May: The Busiest Month of the Garden Season
Last updated onMay is probably one of the busiest months of the garden season because this is when most of your plants are transplanted, seeds are sown directly into the garden soil, the rest of the garden is being tilled, and even strawberries are starting to turn red and ripening for a June harvest. Right now all I have left to put into the garden are my pepper plants, eggplant, and hopefully some melon seeds into the soil as long as there is still some room after my transplants are settled into the ground.
So far I have not started picking my strawberries just yet even though some of them are starting to ripen and a few are ready for picking. June is normally when the largest harvest of strawberries arrives and I usually wait until there is enough to call a harvest before picking them. For now I might pick a few here and there just to prevent them from rotting on the ground and wasting perfectly edible berries.

My tomato plants were finally added to the garden and they took up a little bit more room than I had hoped for. Even though I cut back on the number of tomato plants this season it looks like I will have a normal amount that I usually grow. This year I did manage to grow various types of tomatoes especially more beefsteak plants. I did cut back on roma tomatoes to just about five or six plants and kept the same amount of cherry tomato plants the same.
In terms of seeds directly sown into the garden I have pretty much finished with this process. I have set up my bean trellis and planted bean seeds about a week ago and with the rain we have received this week they should be sprouting any time now hopefully.
Two corn rows were created this week planting two different types of corn in each row. I also have another row that has zucchini, pumpkin, and cantaloupe seeds. I am hoping to create one more row with some more melons only after transplanting my eggplant and peppers. A half a row of potatoes were added as well.