Ready for Gardening in 2022?
Last updated onWelcome back to a new year and the new gardening season of 2022. Hopefully this year will be an exciting season with some new plants arriving and some new supplies I will be utilizing for a great and bountiful crop. Last year was a very unusual season with plentiful rain and water for my plants. This year is looking to be a more normal summer with very little rain and hot temperatures. I can now really test out my new watering system using soaker hoses. It was tough last year with all the rain, but I am looking forward to see if they can keep up with the possible lack of rain. Not having to water my plants daily does save me some time and focus on other aspects of gardening.
Looking to the new season and have already started planting my flowers that should attract some of the best insects around the area. Still hoping to get some humming birds flying in my yard with all the right flowers that should attract them. Unfortunately still no luck, but I am getting plenty of butterflies in the garden which I like to think is just as good.

Although sometimes I do see the caterpillars of butterflies eating some of my crops they actually do not cause that much damage as opposed to moth caterpillars. I just leave them there and hope they will turn into a butterfly sometime during the season.
I have started with all my flowers that always includes dill, alyssum, and wildflowers which is the base of my insect attracting garden strategy. I have place some other seeds into a 72 cell planting tray that I have used the past two years with some good results.
At the moment I have planted seeds of tomatoes, eggplant, several types of lettuce, sweet and hot pepper plants, cabbage, kale, and two types of cucumbers. Once these seeds start sprouting I will then move them into a larger pot or container and from there they will be transplanted into the garden. Usually by the month of May they will be ready for the garden soil.
I also have new plant I have ordered and hoping for it to come in sometime in the next month or so. Hopefully they did not run out of this particular plant and looking forward to see what it can or what it has been said to do. I also did get some more raspberries since I have had some bad luck with them, but I am determined to get them into the garden this year.