Spring Crops That Survived Through the Summer and Into Fall
Last updated onRight now I still have broccoli and kale which were both planted in the spring still producing leaves and broccoli florets. These are normally planted in the fall, but this is one of those years that I decided to plant them early in the spring to see if they would produce more. Broccoli on the hand was planted to last through the hot summer months while kale just happened to survive this long with some proper care. I did plant some pea seeds a couple of weeks ago and I hope that they will sprout soon. This is the only fall crop I have planted for this year.
I left off with harvesting my corn both yellow and my new silver queen. Since then I have been harvesting lots of tomatoes, eggplant, more zucchini, peppers, kale, and broccoli. I am looking forward to start harvesting some of my pumpkins that are just about turning orange. Some of my pumpkins are still green, but a few of them are ready for picking.
Just after the harvesting of corn it was time to start digging up my potatoes that I planted early in the springtime. I did not plant as many as I had last season so I wasn’t going to be able to get a large crop. Even though I didn’t plant much I still got a good handful of potatoes that I used to make Tuscan soup. I still have a couple of potatoes left that I need to use and will probably use them to make some homemade hash browns.

I think I have finished with picking both zucchini and eggplant this year. Most of my zucchini plants are done and I have a plant or two that might still be growing an eggplant. These eggplants will not grow to big because weather is cooler and the sun is not out as much. These will most likely be the last of the eggplants for the season. I still was able to get a good amount while the warm weather was helping them grow.

I have also continued to pick peppers of both sweet green and my orange habaneras. I didn’t think any of my hot pepper plants sprouted or survived this season, but after seeing some small orange peppers hanging from my plants I discovered I was wrong. I am definitely pleased about these peppers because they definitely come in hand for making salsa and adding them to a delicious western omelet. I hope to get many more as I have discovered another plant that is also producing habanera peppers.