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melons, Page 2

Spinach, Pea, Radish, and Celery Seeds Into the Ground

This week is supposed to be cool, but with high enough temperatures that I can start planting most of my cool weather seeds.  I still have to plant the last of my seed potatoes and transplant my lettuce into the garden, but getting these four seeds into the garden is a big chunk of the cool weather season. (more…)

Fruit and Vegetable Seed Planting Indoors

It looks like that it is that time already to begin planting the main part of the garden indoors.  Starting indoors I find to be the best solution for getting ahead of the game.  Although space is limited I am still able to grow quite a bit before Spring weather arrives. (more…)

Cantaloupes, Tomatoes, Peppers, and Last of Pole Beans

It looks like the season is coming to an end with not many fruits and vegetables left to pick.  I have a couple of eggplants, peppers, and some tomatoes still growing, but for the most part it is pretty much done for 2016.

The good news is that I have a fall harvest of broccoli, kale, and cabbage to look forward to.  I also still have three watermelons in the garden that are going to need to be harvested real soon as well.  I would guess that I will be picking them sometime this month at the latest hopefully. (more…)

The Last Summer Harvests of 2016

It is that time of the year where the harvests are getting smaller and smaller and cleanup of most of the garden will commence.  I still have a few melons, tomatoes, and eggplants still growing, but for the most part they will not be that big of a harvest.

The good news is that now we are going into the fall where my broccoli, cabbage, and kale can thrive in the cool weather.  I will be soon starting to pick harvests from them.  I will give them another month before I actually start thinking about harvesting them. (more…)

Cutting the First Honeydew Melon

This year I decided on trying something somewhat new that I haven’t grown before.  This season I wanted to try out honeydew melons along with watermelon and cantaloupes.  I have been growing cantaloupes and watermelons every year, but this year I wanted to add a different melon into the mix.

I picked my honeydew melon a few days ago and left it in the fridge because I do not like eating warm fruit.  I would say that it only takes about a day for the fruit to become cold enough to eat.  Today I decided on finally cutting the melon and see what is inside. (more…)

First Honeydew Harvested

I just picked the first honeydew of the season and it was a pretty good size.  I had a few plants that were planted in the beginning of the season, but they ended up dying and this one was the last of the honeydew plants that survived.

It was about five pounds and was much more bigger than my cantaloupes that are still growing.  I plan on picking more melons including watermelon and cantaloupe. (more…)

Gathering More Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers

Just another day of harvesting both cucumbers and ripe and red cherry tomatoes.  I have plenty of cherry tomatoes on my plants and I think I will have many more harvests to accomplish in the next few weeks or at least this month.

My cucumbers have been growing quite well and I have picked at least a couple dozen in the past few weeks.  As long as the vines keep growing I should be seeing more cucumbers. (more…)

Collecting More Pole Beans from Second Harvest

My first bean harvest which was about a week ago didn’t yield that many beans or as many as I thought I would get.  The second time I ended up getting many more including two full bowls of pole beans.

I have harvested more in other years, but I think that this is a good amount and is enough to start canning and storing them for the Winter.  The plants still are producing and I am sure that I will be harvesting more beans in the near future. (more…)

Staking Tomatoes, Sprouting and Thinning Plants

Another busy week now that garden season is in full swing with transplanting, planting seeds, weeding, feeding, mulching and now staking my tomatoes.  I like to stake my tomatoes as soon as possible; preferably right when I transplant them to the garden.

Although I didn’t stake them right when I transplanted them I did in fact place them in shortly after they were added into the garden soil.  I like to put the stakes as close to the plant as possible so that it will make it easier to tie them to the stakes. (more…)

Update on All Indoor and Outdoor Plants

It’s been awhile since I wrote a post here, but it has been quite busy around here and I want to share with you what has been going on with my garden plants, plants outside, and indoor ones as well.

So far not all of my plants have been outside, but most of my flowers are enjoying the fresh cool air.  Yes it is still a little bit cool which is great for my spinach and onions. (more…)