Alyssum Seeds are Next for Planting Indoors

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Now that March has arrived it is the best time to start growing the majority of plants that I need indoors.  Right now I do have spinach planted and although they have not sprouted yet, I am sure that they will soon protrude through the soil in a week or so.

I always like to get my flower seeds planted right away because they need a good head start so when it is time to place them in the ground they will be flowering or close to flowering.  This way they will flower for the rest of the season without having to worry about them.

Today I only planted my alyssum both carpet of snow which are white flowers and royal carpet which is a purple flower.  I have one container that will contain both of them which will give a more variety for insects to feed on.

I normally plant dill and alyssum at the same time, but this year I decided I want more alyssum than usual.  I find that these flowers attract some of the best insects and that is what made me change my mind for this season.

I will plant the same amount of dill because they are the second best flower to have in the garden for a couple of reasons.  First they obviously produce flowers that insects love such as lady beetles, parasitic wasps, and many others.  The second reason for dill is that I love using the leaves as an herb.  I use it quite a bit during the summertime.

My alyssum seeds were planted in large plastic containers which I have found to be perfect for these plants and makes it easier to transplant them into the garden.  I will keep them on the windowsill for now and when warmer weather comes they will be hardened off outside.

Alyssum Seeds Planted