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Garden, Page 17

Picking Spinach Leaves, Weeding, and Adding Wood Ash

Yesterday I decided to pick some of the spinach leaves that were getting quite large outside.  I like picking the leaves when they get large enough that they can be used for a sandwich.  You can pick them small and toss them into a salad, but I prefer larger darker leaves rather than small paler ones.

One thing you need to keep in mind is not picking too many leaves because this could cause them to go to seed very quickly and that would end your spinach season.  So to prevent this from happening I always leave a couple of large leaves on the plant.

This way you are not shocking them with removing too much of the leaves.  As long as you keep feeding them they will continue to produce delicious green foliage.  Here are some pictures I took of before and after cutting the leaves. (more…)

Onions: Better Late Than Never

Today I want to discuss how I plant my onions and what I think the best way that you can easily increase your yield with a simple to use method.  Instead of planting them in the ground I use large totes that hold enough soil for these plants to thrive and grow to a reasonable size.  I have been using this method ever since I started gardening and it has worked every year.

Now normally I wouldn’t wait to mid April to start planting them in the totes.  It is best to grow them the first of April which is what I have been doing for the many years of gardening.  This year I guess I happened to forget about them and didn’t realize it until a couple of days ago. (more…)

Transplanting Spinach Into The Garden

Today we are finally going to discuss transplanting spinach into the garden.  It is a very simple process to complete once you know exactly how to perform this task.  I like to transplant them a certain way which I have been doing for over a decade since I started growing these healthy leaves.

It only takes about an hour to accomplish, but if you are new to this then it might take a little bit longer.  Once you start doing you will inevitably get used to it and you will become a master at moving these plants into your home garden.  It all starts with making some holes using a large shovel which you can see here. (more…)

What I Have Accomplished in The Past Couple of Days

The past couple of days have been pretty busy.  I have planted a few extra vegetables that I thought might be needed just in case others did not sprout or germinate.  I also added some more flowers to the mix and began getting ready to put the spinach into the ground.

This Friday I started getting the garden ready by cleaning up the debris that has collected on the ground including dead weeds, broccoli plants, leaves, etc.  Most of the debris from last season was cleared away the previous year so there should not be that much to clean up.  This also included removing the straw or lack there of from the strawberries. (more…)