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Steakhouse, Page 4

Pole Beans, Roma Tomatoes, and Corn

This week was full of a couple of harvests that included my Roma tomatoes, pole beans, and even a couple of ears of corn.  I ended up picking some of my Roma tomatoes that were not quite ready yet, but I have placed them on the windowsill which will make them turn red in the end.  I will be using these for sauce instead of anything else.  That is exactly what these specialty fruits were made for.

The one thing that I will discuss in this post is the amount of pole beans that I picked yesterday and going to pick today.  I was only able to just do one row that took at least a few hours of time to get as many as possible.  This has been the best harvest of 2014 and it doesn’t seem like any other fruit or vegetable will come close to as good of a harvest. (more…)

Large Harvest of Pole Beans, Tomatoes, and Peppers

I didn’t think I would pick as much pole beans as I did today.  The pole beans are thriving and there are plenty more of them on all the vines.  There were so many that were close to being picked, but instead I decided on leaving them there for the next harvest which should come sometime next week or at the end of this one.

I even had many tomatoes that were ripe for the picking.  They would include all three types.  Steakhouse, Roma, and cherry were are all in the peak of the harvest season. (more…)

Large Cucumbers and Steakhouse Tomato

Today was a good day while harvesting some cucumbers, tomatoes, and even another zucchini.  Earlier in the season when I first picked up some of these fruits and vegetables they were not as big as I had hoped.  The only exception being the zucchinis which were extremely larger than normal.

The cucumbers were small and the plants did not look like they were going to produce that much for the season.  I also had high hopes for the steakhouse tomatoes because the first few that were picked definitely gave me confidence that I would be getting much more in the near future. (more…)

Harvested All Three Types of Tomatoes This Week

This week has been good for tomato harvesting because they are now ripening to their red delicious color.  I have planted cherry, Roma, and steakhouse varieties this summer and they have began to start their ripening phase.  I only picked one Roma as compared to the others that I collected many of them.

I knew that at one time all my tomatoes will probably start turning red at once instead of periodically.  This is good because I love tomatoes and I can never get enough of them during the Winter time.  This is when I enjoy them the most because they are organic and come from my own backyard. (more…)

Complete Onion Harvest and More Tomatoes

Yesterday I was able to get the entire onion harvest completed.  It doesn’t take long to take out onions once you get started it goes very quickly.  All I do is pull them out and brush off all the loose dirt and place them in a large container.  Since I have five totes full of onions a small bucket will fill up very fast.

In total I was able to get over 30 pounds of onions and a count of 95.  It seems like placing twenty bulbs in the beginning is the right amount you can place in these size totes. (more…)

Harvested One Tote of Onions and Two More Tomatoes

Today was a warm day and after about a couple of weeks of my onion bulbs falling over I decided that it was time to pick them from the totes.  I only do one tote at first to see if they are ready and are not beginning to rot or become infested with maggots.  Once I inspect them and they seem good to be eaten then I work on the other totes.

I didn’t do all the totes today because some plants were still in the process of falling over.  Picking them too soon is just as bad as picking them too late.  I will most likely get the rest of them tomorrow.  It’s a very simple process and if you do them in totes they come out of the soil incredibly easy without having to use a shovel and dig them out. (more…)

Picked First Steakhouse Tomato

Today will be a quick post because I harvested the first steakhouse tomato of this season.  Only one was picked because it happened to be the perfect color that you would love to see with any tomato.  There were two others on the same plant, but they were not quite ready.  I will probably pick them in a couple days at the most.



First Steakhouse Tomato (more…)

Cantaloupe, Eggplant, and Corn on The Way

This past weekend we received some well needed rain.  This meant that Saturday and Sunday were very slow gardening days.  The only thing I did was pick some blueberries during a short period of no rain.  I collected as many berries as I could before it started to pour.  I was able to grab about two and a half pounds.  This has been the average for this season.

Today was the first time that I went outside to check my garden before the storms hit this weekend.  My pole beans are growing great and I should be getting a harvest from them any time now.  I picked some more bush beans which are probably going to be the last that I receive from them.  Now it is up to the pole ones to pick up the slack. (more…)