Getting Most Flowers Transplanted to Garden

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Today was more about transplanting my flowers to the garden.  They have been outside for a little bit short of a month and that is plenty of time to be sure that the weather will not affect them from here on till the end of the season.  I got all my dill, wildflowers, and some alyssum added to the garden.

The weather has been a little bit warmer and is perfect for placing wildflowers, dill, and alyssum into its final growing area.  Most of my flowers have not started blooming, but I am sure that very soon they will begin this process.

Usually I have plenty of alyssum to plant into the garden, but remember that I planted some new seeds this year which means a little bit less alyssum and dill.  Luckily I am doing a second planting indoors of alyssum, dill, and my wildflowers mix.

Although the weather is a little bit warmer I am still waiting until I place all my other plants into the garden.  They have been outside on sunny days, but the nights are still too cold for them to stay outside the entire day.

I also wanted to mention that I finally added the last of my lettuce to the garden.  I had about seven plants that were still in containers and they are finally in the ground.

I am sure I will be picking lettuce very soon from my first plants added to the garden.  They are big and green with plenty of leaves on them.  I will most likely start picking some of the older and bigger leaves first and only a few at a time.

This weekend seems like a good time to begin the first harvest of the spring.  Leaves from either lettuce or spinach are always the first to be harvested.