Finally My Spinach Plants are in the Ground

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The weather lately has been quite crazy with some warm days last week and then a cold blast the past couple of days.  We even had a snow storm this past week and that definitely interrupted the process of getting my spinach plants into the ground.

It actually got so cold that the ground refroze and I couldn’t do anything even though I had tilled part of the garden the week before.  I was hoping to get my spinach plants transplanted by this past weekend, but because of the cold and rain I was unable to do that.

After all the rain and cold weather I finally had a somewhat warm day that I could use and place my plants into the garden.  Today was that day and finished planting them this morning.

I needed to get them done this morning because later on today it is supposed to rain again.  It is forecast that we might get up to one inch of rain or more depending on a number of factors.

Since the ground was still wet along with my spinach plants I didn’t add water to them like I do with most of my plants.  Usually in the summer I add water because it helps the roots separate from the potted soil and gets acclimated to the garden soil easier.

Spinach Plants in Garden

Single Spinach Plant

I have 22 plants that went in the ground today and with a few of them that had actually been starting to bolt.  This is probably due to the fact that they were in containers for so long and they began to get pot bound.

The weather is unpredictable and normally they would have already been in the garden if it wasn’t for the cold snap that occurred this past week.  I think most of them will be fine in the garden and there are only a couple of plants that have actually began bolting.

Spinach Plant Started Bolting

Soon I will be placing my lettuce outside to get used to the weather and then into the garden next to my spinach.  For now I am going to be focusing on my plants inside and make sure that they will be ready when the time comes to put them outside.