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Placed Sprouting Plants Outside and Blueberries Weeded

Today was one of the first days where you could tell that spring was in the air and warmer weather is right around the corner.  It was exciting to have warmer weather because this means much work needs to be done in order to prepare for the coming season.

One of the first things that I thought I should take care of would be the blueberries.  They are very simple to maintain and all they needed was a quick weed along with some raking of many leaves that had collected over the fall. (more…)

Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers

The latest fruits and vegetables that I harvested this week would include cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.  It took quite a while before starting to see tomatoes turn red this year.  I have many other tomatoes that have not began to turn, but will soon do so over the next couple of weeks.  They will probably all start ripening at the same time.

Cucumbers were also picked this week, but only one of them was ready enough to be harvested.  The others will come in time now that I am starting to see more and more of these vegetables on the vine.  I would say about mid August will be the peak of the season for cucumbers and probably everything else as well. (more…)

Third Strawberry Harvest With Zucchini and Tomatoes Flowering

Another harvest of strawberries was completed this week and this time I was able to get about two and a half pounds of these delicious berries.  I think this will be the most that I pick this year unless I have a very exceptional summer or late crop harvest.  The good news is that I picked more than last year which is always good news for any garden.

Some more great things are happening with some of my other plants as well.  Flowers are beginning to emerge from my zucchini and tomato plants.  The zucchini are actually starting to show signs of fruit which may or may not have been pollinated.  I always rely on bees and I try to stay away from pollinating plants by hand.  The only plant that I pollinate are the corn stalks when they are ready. (more…)