Placed Sprouting Plants Outside and Blueberries Weeded

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Today was one of the first days where you could tell that spring was in the air and warmer weather is right around the corner.  It was exciting to have warmer weather because this means much work needs to be done in order to prepare for the coming season.

One of the first things that I thought I should take care of would be the blueberries.  They are very simple to maintain and all they needed was a quick weed along with some raking of many leaves that had collected over the fall.

I like to get the blueberries done right away that way I won’t have to worry about them when the garden season starts to pick up real fast.  This is just one thing that I can put aside and when it is time to weed them again I will have the time to accomplish this.

This is a before and after picture of weeding my blueberries.

Before Weeding Blueberries


After Weeding Blueberries

It only took me a few minutes to do each blueberry bush.

Since it was a warm day I also decided on placing many of my plants that were inside outside to get some fresh air.  This is the first step I take in hardening off my plants so when the time comes to place them in the garden it will not be much of a shock.

The earlier the better and whenever there is a warm day I always make sure that I am up early and put them outside after I give them a good watering.  I don’t want them to dry out while they are outside.

All Plants Outside

I still have plants inside that are still growing underneath lights and I haven’t place them outside yet.  Once they start growing and are looking healthy then they will get some outside time.  For now they will  stay inside.

I will have to begin planting my spinach in the ground because the roots are starting to reach the bottom of the containers.  Once this happens then it is time to start transplanting them so they can continue growing and produce large green leaves for consumption.