Picked Some Strawberries This Week

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One of the good things that happened this week was a harvesting of just a few strawberries.  I wasn’t sure if there were going to be many berries this season, but there was enough to have the first harvest.  Only a handful were picked and there are still plenty left on the plants.

The next harvest I am sure will occur sometime this week either tomorrow or sometime during the weekend.  Hopefully there will be many more than the first harvest.  The first is always a small amount, but the second or third time is when you reach the peak of strawberry picking season.

Here are just a few strawberries that were harvested this week.  They are a decent size even with the lack of rain they still were juicy and sweet.

First Strawberries Harvested

If I could gather a few more pounds of strawberries I will be happy with this season’s harvest.  So far I have only picked two pounds.  If I could get ten or more that would be just fine.

Blueberries are starting to come along as well, but they are still in the green stage.  Usually I pick them sometime in July or even the last week of June if I am lucky.  This year is going to be a low yield of blueberries unfortunately.

Green Blueberries

I noticed my first pollinated tomato the other day and have been giving the plant nutrients in order to get some large and delicious tomatoes.  As of now I have only seen two tomato plants that have a tomato on them, but most of them are flowering and will be bearing fruit real soon.

First Pollinated Tomato

It actually looks like it might be a Roma tomato due to its elongated shape.  Still not quite sure if it is, but as it gets bigger it will become much more noticeable and I will definitely know for sure.

I also thinned out the first section of corn yesterday.  Spacing out the corn is very important because they are bad at competing for nutrients especially from other corn plants.  Check out the before and after pictures I took below.  I also weeded them at the same time.

Corn Plants Before Weeding

After thinning out corn plants.

Corn Plants After Weeding

This is only the first section of corn and I have two others which I will be working on when they get a little bit bigger.

Right now I am working on weeding my spinach and lettuce section because weeds have been growing real fast in this area.  Hopefully I will be able to finish weeding them by tomorrow.  On the weekend I can then start weeding my cucumbers and squash plants.

Lettuce Weeded