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Indoors is the Best Place for Planting Tomatoes

My tomatoes are ready to be started inside along with all my many other plants that I have began to plant.  I will be growing the same types as last season with super sauce, steakhouse, and the wonderful and delicious cherry tomatoes.

Tying Up My Tomato Plants With First Sign of Fruit

I always like tying up my tomatoes before they start producing because it will make it much easier later on.  When the fruit start appearing on the plants I don’t have to worry because my stretch ties will be able to hold the weight.

I knew my plants were producing flowers, but I didn’t think I would get any fruit start growing this early.  I am a little surprised, but definitely excited to see what type of tomato this is.  I have a total of four plants that have very tiny tomatoes beginning to grow. (more…)

Getting Tomato Seeds Into Pots

Today is the day when I start planting all my tomato seeds indoors and placing them under lights.  So far I have planted my leafy plants such as lettuce and spinach.  I also have planted some of the more important flowers indoors and now it is time for the first fruit of the season.

This is when the season starts to get a little bit busier with many plants growing inside.  Once I plant spinach outside I can then grow some more indoors under the lights that were used on my spinach plants.  I will probably be planting some more fruits and vegetables under those lights. (more…)

Picked Some Strawberries This Week

One of the good things that happened this week was a harvesting of just a few strawberries.  I wasn’t sure if there were going to be many berries this season, but there was enough to have the first harvest.  Only a handful were picked and there are still plenty left on the plants.

The next harvest I am sure will occur sometime this week either tomorrow or sometime during the weekend.  Hopefully there will be many more than the first harvest.  The first is always a small amount, but the second or third time is when you reach the peak of strawberry picking season. (more…)

Eight Tomatoes Transplanted and Bean Trellis Built

Now that it is the middle of May and the weather is averaging in the high 60’s to low 70’s it is time to start transplanting.  I have only done my tomatoes so far and have dug holes for all of the plants that I have growing outside.

I transplanted eight tomatoes today and will do the rest of them over the weekend.  I wanted to place the ones that were starting to get root bound into the soil first before they start to get ill and dry out too fast in the hot sun. (more…)

Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplant Placed in Small Pots

Just wanted to let you know that I decided on planting tomatoes a little bit earlier than last season.  This year I want to make sure that I get plenty of Roma tomatoes that I can then use to make sauces that I can then store for the Winter.

I thought last years tomatoes were real good and instead of getting all new tomatoes I just purchased the same hybrid seeds I got last season.  This includes the Roma super sauce and Steakhouse varieties.  If it isn’t broken then don’t fix it is what I say. (more…)

Large Harvest of Pole Beans, Tomatoes, and Peppers

I didn’t think I would pick as much pole beans as I did today.  The pole beans are thriving and there are plenty more of them on all the vines.  There were so many that were close to being picked, but instead I decided on leaving them there for the next harvest which should come sometime next week or at the end of this one.

I even had many tomatoes that were ripe for the picking.  They would include all three types.  Steakhouse, Roma, and cherry were are all in the peak of the harvest season. (more…)

Picked First Steakhouse Tomato

Today will be a quick post because I harvested the first steakhouse tomato of this season.  Only one was picked because it happened to be the perfect color that you would love to see with any tomato.  There were two others on the same plant, but they were not quite ready.  I will probably pick them in a couple days at the most.



First Steakhouse Tomato (more…)

Third Strawberry Harvest With Zucchini and Tomatoes Flowering

Another harvest of strawberries was completed this week and this time I was able to get about two and a half pounds of these delicious berries.  I think this will be the most that I pick this year unless I have a very exceptional summer or late crop harvest.  The good news is that I picked more than last year which is always good news for any garden.

Some more great things are happening with some of my other plants as well.  Flowers are beginning to emerge from my zucchini and tomato plants.  The zucchini are actually starting to show signs of fruit which may or may not have been pollinated.  I always rely on bees and I try to stay away from pollinating plants by hand.  The only plant that I pollinate are the corn stalks when they are ready. (more…)

Bean Pole Setup and Tomato Holes Dug

Today was a somewhat busy day with the setting up of bean poles that are needed when I plant my pole beans.  Pole beans can grow up to twelve feet and are able to climb very efficiently up anything that you put in front of them.  Most of the time a chain link fence would do the trick, but I like to set up a specific structure that I created myself.

Along with setting up bean poles I also dug holes that I will place my tomato plants in.  I like to dig these holes before placing my plants because birds can eat any grubs that might have survived through the tilling process.  You can also use chickens that you might have raised as well to speed up this task.  Click read more for pictures. (more…)