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broccoli heads

Broccoli and Kale Starting to Come Through

It looks like my fall crops are doing quite well now that I have picked several kale leaves and heads of broccoli.  I only started harvesting broccoli heads a few days ago, but I have been picking kale leaves for a couple of weeks.  Today will be the third harvest of kale for the season. (more…)

Digging Up Carrots For Thanksgiving

It has been a while since I wrote my last post, but it has been pretty uneventful in regards to the garden.  I have been picking broccoli on a consistent basis usually two to three times per week.  At the moment I have been collecting and it seems that the cold weather is starting to get to them because they have stopped producing.

I picked some large heads this season which I am very happy about and also some small ones too.  They didn’t taste bitter which I was a little worried about in the beginning, but in the end they had the exact taste I was looking for. (more…)

Garden Cleanup and Broccoli Harvesting

It has been a while since my last post, but now that the season is pretty much over there is not much to write about.  Luckily I grew a fall crop and my broccoli is starting to come through and I have been harvesting them since the beginning of October.

I also decided that it was time to begin cleaning up the garden.  This means removing my pole bean trellis, digging up roots such as my sunflowers, peppers, eggplants, and many others.  I will probably rake up the loose debris in the garden as well so that I don’t have to do much when the season starts again next year. (more…)