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corn tassels

Collecting More Pole Beans from Second Harvest

My first bean harvest which was about a week ago didn’t yield that many beans or as many as I thought I would get.  The second time I ended up getting many more including two full bowls of pole beans.

I have harvested more in other years, but I think that this is a good amount and is enough to start canning and storing them for the Winter.  The plants still are producing and I am sure that I will be harvesting more beans in the near future. (more…)

Corn Stalks Beginning to Produce Silks

Corn is usually one of the last things to mature and start producing ears of corn that can be cooked or eaten raw.  The very first sign that I look for is the tassels.  Once the tassels are growing that means very soon silks should begin to grow from the stalk which is the start of every corn ear.

Just a couple of days ago I saw the first sign of silks and it just happened overnight.  It doesn’t take that long before they start growing and once they get going the ears will come faster than one would think.  Once they are a good size I will then start to peel back the husks that cover them in order to know when they are ripe enough. (more…)

Planted Some More Carrots and Picked First Pepper of the Season

I didn’t have to do much today because it started out raining and continued to rain throughout the morning and part of the afternoon.  When the weather cleared I decided on planting some more carrots.  Some seeds did not germinate when I first planted them so I placed seeds where plants did not grow.

It is common practice to grow carrots twice durring the season and this usually is done with two different rows.  I normally don’t plant carrots twice because one planting is usually enough.  This time not many seeds germinated and if I didn’t do another planting I would potentially have a low yield. (more…)