Planted Some More Carrots and Picked First Pepper of the Season

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I didn’t have to do much today because it started out raining and continued to rain throughout the morning and part of the afternoon.  When the weather cleared I decided on planting some more carrots.  Some seeds did not germinate when I first planted them so I placed seeds where plants did not grow.

It is common practice to grow carrots twice durring the season and this usually is done with two different rows.  I normally don’t plant carrots twice because one planting is usually enough.  This time not many seeds germinated and if I didn’t do another planting I would potentially have a low yield.

I like having extra carrots during the season because I can always can them and save them for the Winter.  This is one of the reasons why I grow them and why I wanted to plant some more in place of seeds that failed to germinate.

Another Row of Carrots Planted

You can see from the photo a big section of carrot seeds did not sprout.  Hopefully with the new seeds that I purchased they will grow quickly and have enough time to mature for delicious carrots.

Even though it rained I was able to pick the first pepper of the season.  I wasn’t sure if I was going to pick it today, but I was outside and needed to pick another cucumber so while I was out there I decided to cut it off the plant.

First Pepper of the Season

I am pretty happy with the size of this vegetable and I am looking forward to using it real soon.  If all my peppers are this size or bigger I will definitely be happy with my plants.

The good news about my pepper plants is that they are continually producing flowers that will bring more vegetables in the future.  Some are starting out small and will not be ready for another couple of weeks.

Very Small Pepper

Flowers are still blooming on my pepper plants.

Pepper Flower

I happened to pick another cucumber today and while I was out there saw plenty more that were not quite ready, but will soon be picked rather shortly.  I am looking at harvesting them around the end of the week depending on how fast they grow.

Another Large Cucumber Picked

Here are some more that will be harvested hopefully real soon that are still connected to the vine.

Cucumber on Vine

Cucumber on Vine #2

These are just a couple that I have to look forward to, but there are at least a half a dozen or more that will be harvested soon.

I just wanted to add that my corn stalks are starting to get tassels which is usually the first sign that they will begin growing corn real soon.  I would say another week or two I should begin seeing silks coming from my stalks.  These silks are where corn resides and will grow until I pick it.

Corn Tassels