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Tying Up My Tomato Plants With First Sign of Fruit

I always like tying up my tomatoes before they start producing because it will make it much easier later on.  When the fruit start appearing on the plants I don’t have to worry because my stretch ties will be able to hold the weight.

I knew my plants were producing flowers, but I didn’t think I would get any fruit start growing this early.  I am a little surprised, but definitely excited to see what type of tomato this is.  I have a total of four plants that have very tiny tomatoes beginning to grow. (more…)

Two Bowls Overflowing with Pole Beans

Just a quick post today about some of the vegetables I collected this past week.  The last post I discussed about some beans that I collected which weighed about nine pounds.  This week I actually was able to pick many more than the previous harvest.

I was actually surprised there were much more than before.  I didn’t make any record, but still 13 pounds is pretty good for one harvest.  It was so much that I overfilled two bowls just to get them all in without having to get a third bowl. (more…)

Melons, Peppers, and Beans Coming Through

Wanted to give a quick update on the garden so far and how many plants are finally starting to produce.  Some of the ones I want to discuss include peppers, cucumbers, melons, and beans.  I have not mentioned much about my peppers, but now they are beginning to flower and grow peppers.

I also went through all my melons to see if I could find some that have been pollinated and are ready to get much bigger.  They tend to grow every single day and you could even keep tract of how much they grow each day.  This is something that I don’t do, but I do take pictures of them each day to see the difference. (more…)

The First of Hopefully Many Cucumbers

I have been working in the garden for the past week including this past weekend.  The weather has been hot which is great for many of my plants including tomatoes, melons, and cucumbers.  I have not picked any tomatoes as they have not started to turn red.  They should begin ripening at any time and can’t wait to harvest them.

Cucumbers on the other hand have been growing quite well along with zucchini and pumpkins that are coming along.  All my cucumber plants are now producing flowers and it is only a matter of time before I start picking many of them.  Today I happened to pick the first of many cucumbers. (more…)

Picking More Zucchinis Along with Pumpkins and Cucumbers Growing

This past week has been crazy because I have been weeding my garden every single day trying to stay ahead of the growth of the plants in the garden.  Getting behind can be a pain because weeds will be growing faster than I can remove them.

By staying ahead I can work on other things in the garden such as laying down layers of mulch to block weeds, placing ropes on my bean trellis for my pole beans to climb, fertilizing many plants, and so much more. (more…)

The First Corn Harvest of the Year

The day has finally came where I harvested the corn at the right time and now can enjoy there summer taste.  I had checked them during the week and waited until they were just right.  It happened to be yesterday where I went outside and started picking all the ears that were ripe and ready for the dinner table.

I collected 24 ears yesterday and they weighed about 15 pounds in total which is I think is great for the first corn crop of the season.  Some of them had some caterpillars that were eating the kernels, but other than that there was no serious damage which is also a good thing to hear. (more…)

Corn May Be Coming Soon To My Garden

It was only a couple of days ago that the tassels began to grow from my corn and it looked like that I was going to get some corn in the near future.  I went outside today and discovered that there were some silks appearing from one of the corn stalks.  This was the first sign that I could be getting corn in a week or so.

Granted this was only one corn stalk, but it signaled that my corn was growing correctly and I have been doing something right.  I would be very surprised if this was the only stalk that began growing ears of corn. (more…)

Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers

The latest fruits and vegetables that I harvested this week would include cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.  It took quite a while before starting to see tomatoes turn red this year.  I have many other tomatoes that have not began to turn, but will soon do so over the next couple of weeks.  They will probably all start ripening at the same time.

Cucumbers were also picked this week, but only one of them was ready enough to be harvested.  The others will come in time now that I am starting to see more and more of these vegetables on the vine.  I would say about mid August will be the peak of the season for cucumbers and probably everything else as well. (more…)

Second Phase of Vegetable Planting Indoors

Today I started another phase of vegetable planting that was needed due to some seeds not sprouting at all.  One thing that I would like to point out when growing plants inside is that you need to have patience.  This is something that I lack when it comes to growing any type of plant and it is one element that can help you in your own gardening.

Everything that I place under the lights usually takes about half the time that it would usually take if I had placed them in a windowsill.  Some plants I start with the lights some I don’t.  For instance the flowers I planted earlier in the season were started right in the windowsill.  Along with them were the sunflowers, watermelon, and tomatoes.  Everything else used the fluorescent lights which are a great help. (more…)

More Flowers and Vegetables to Start Growing Indoors

It’s time to start growing more flowers that you need during the garden season including more vegetables as well.  I unfortunately ran out of room on the windowsill and I had to utilize a simple fluorescent light – which you can purchase at any hardware store – to get these plants up and flourishing.

The good news is that many of your plants will be ready when spring time comes around and all you will have to do is transplant them into the garden.  There are some plants which you cannot transplant including carrots, corn, beans, etc.  You should grow as many plants as you can before hand to have a better harvest.

Today I decided to grow some flowers and vegetables.  There were some flowers that I was not able to get to previously, but they can always be planted directly outdoors if I had ran out of room inside. (more…)