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cucumber harvest

Small Harvest with Cucumbers and a Few More Zucchinis

I picked one cucumber this past Saturday, but I knew I would be picking more today so I decided to wait to write a post until I picked all the cucumbers that were ready. I also had some more zucchinis that were at the right size and decided to pick them as well. (more…)

Collecting More Pole Beans from Second Harvest

My first bean harvest which was about a week ago didn’t yield that many beans or as many as I thought I would get.  The second time I ended up getting many more including two full bowls of pole beans.

I have harvested more in other years, but I think that this is a good amount and is enough to start canning and storing them for the Winter.  The plants still are producing and I am sure that I will be harvesting more beans in the near future. (more…)

Its Time to Start Planting Fall Seeds for an October Harvest

Now that it is the end of July and the month of August is upon us it is time to start planting seeds for a good October harvest.  That is what I have done today with the planting of kale, cabbage, and broccoli.

I decided to plant an equal amount of seeds using small black containers.  I should have eight plants of each if all the seeds sprout in the next couple of weeks.  This is all I need for a good harvest. (more…)