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ears of corn

Gathering More Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers

Just another day of harvesting both cucumbers and ripe and red cherry tomatoes.  I have plenty of cherry tomatoes on my plants and I think I will have many more harvests to accomplish in the next few weeks or at least this month.

My cucumbers have been growing quite well and I have picked at least a couple dozen in the past few weeks.  As long as the vines keep growing I should be seeing more cucumbers. (more…)

Largest Tomato and Corn Harvest of 2015

The climax of the season is coming to a head and with the large harvests of corn and tomatoes I think that the season is starting to come to a close.  There is always a busy part of the season where I collect the most vegetables and fruit.  It looks like the past two weeks are the max I will get from my garden.

This not only includes corn and tomatoes which I collected this week, but with all the melons I picked around the same time, cucumbers, zucchini, and the pumpkins which I will be harvesting very soon. (more…)

Another Large Harvest of Beans and Corn

Now that it is the first of September the weather should be getting cooler and harvests getting shorter.  As long as the temperature is high enough to bear fruit or vegetables I will still be getting flowers from most of my plants.  This week it was time for another harvest of corn and pole beans.

Although pole beans will continue to flower through the season corn on the other hand will only grow a certain amount for the year.  They are capable of growing at least two per stalk and get get as many as four.  The conditions have to be correct in order to get more than two per plant. (more…)

The First Corn Harvest of the Year

The day has finally came where I harvested the corn at the right time and now can enjoy there summer taste.  I had checked them during the week and waited until they were just right.  It happened to be yesterday where I went outside and started picking all the ears that were ripe and ready for the dinner table.

I collected 24 ears yesterday and they weighed about 15 pounds in total which is I think is great for the first corn crop of the season.  Some of them had some caterpillars that were eating the kernels, but other than that there was no serious damage which is also a good thing to hear. (more…)