Another Large Harvest of Beans and Corn

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Now that it is the first of September the weather should be getting cooler and harvests getting shorter.  As long as the temperature is high enough to bear fruit or vegetables I will still be getting flowers from most of my plants.  This week it was time for another harvest of corn and pole beans.

Although pole beans will continue to flower through the season corn on the other hand will only grow a certain amount for the year.  They are capable of growing at least two per stalk and get get as many as four.  The conditions have to be correct in order to get more than two per plant.

Pole beans can take a while to pick because I have so many and it is important to look very carefully and make sure you get as many as possible.  It will take at least an hour or two depending on the amount of beans that are available.  For me it takes at least two hours and many containers to fill up.

23 Pounds of Beans

The last harvest I picked 25 pounds of pole beans and this time I almost got the same amount.  23 pounds was the lucky number this time.  I think that I have reached the peak of pole beans for the season.  The good news is that the vines are still producing flowers and bearing more fruit.  I will definitely have to pick more, but I am sure there won’t be as many as the past two times.

Some of the corn is still hanging on the stalk because they were planted later than the others.  The later ones are all that I am waiting for while most of the older stalks are beginning to turn brown.  This means that they are pretty much done for the season.  I will begin removing them very shortly once they are completely done producing fruit.

24 ears of corn are what were harvested this past week and a dozen or more seems to be the amount that is left.  Once they ripe I will pick them and enjoy their sweet flavor for as much as possible.

24 Ears of Corn

I know that I have a eggplant that is just about ready to pick and I can’t wait to remove it from the plant.  Leaving them on the plant too long can lead to a very bitter fruit.  Eggplants are not that tasty to begin with and adding a bitter taste will not be good for this vegetable.

Eggplant #1

Steakhouse tomatoes have been growing quite well and I have plenty of them now turning red all at the same time.  Chances are I will pick them either today or tomorrow.  The weather is hot today so I might do it right after writing this post.

On another note I did happen to check out the cucumbers and found that two of them had been hiding underneath some leaves and decided it was time for harvesting.  Another zucchini had been picked as well this week.

Zucchini and Cucumbers

I have been eating them as fast as possible, but they just keep growing and ripening every single day.  With all the rain we received last night they will probably need picking as soon as possible.