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harvesting onions

Both red and yellow onions harvested

Following Onions Comes Eggplant and Broccoli Harvesting

It is now prime harvesting time with onions picked out of the totes and now broccoli, eggplants, more tomatoes, and beans are ready. At this moment I probably have picked every vegetable from the garden except for pumpkins which I picked much later and melons that will also come later in the season. I also started picking the second row of corn which is a all white type of corn. They looked very weird, but were actually quite delicious and didn’t taste that much different from any other corn I have grown.


Time To Remove Onions from Totes

The onions have been growing long enough and most of the stems have fallen over which is the first sign that the onions are done growing.  Once they fall over it is time to pick them and that is what I did this afternoon.

It doesn’t take that long to remove all of them, but it can take a couple of days to dry them off.  I like to leave them on a table outside and let the hot sun dry them during the daytime.  I will probably bring them inside sometime this week as long as the onions dry out. (more…)