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onion sprouting

Spinach Transplanted and Onions Beginning to Sprout Today

Some good news on the onion front they have begun to start sprouting this week and I noticed this today.  They probably began sprouting earlier in the week, but I didn’t have a look at them until today.  Both the onions in totes and the ones in the garden are both sprouting.

I wasn’t so sure how long it would take for the ones in the ground to begin growing because it is much different soil than what is in the totes.  I am glad that they have started growing at the same time and I can easily compare their growth rates through the summer. (more…)

Onion and Spinach Update for May 5

From time to time I will take pictures of my plants and post them on this website for you to see what they look like and how they are growing.  Since these are the only two plants that are in the garden so far that is what I will discuss in this post.

Once I plant more in the garden I will be giving updates on most of my plants, but only when they receive fruit or other events happen with them.  It would not be wise to post pictures of these plants every day.  I will however do an update at least once a week and when fruit starts to grow then the frequency will increase.  For now let’s stick to onions and spinach. (more…)

Onions Began Sprouting and More Seeds Planted

Today is a quick update on what has been happening in the garden and new seeds that have been planted inside.  As you know onions were planted about a couple of weeks ago during some of the warmer days that we had.  Onions love cooler temperatures and a moist soil.  Luckily the past week has provided them with the desired environment for them to grow rather quickly.

I also have some updates regarding the last of the beneficial flowers that I have planted indoors.  I always find it important to grow as much as you can in the beginning, but these plants are very quick to generate flowers and they can be used as an herb as well.

Some flowers that I planted earlier in the season have began sprouting and are starting to show signs of small blossoms.  If they start blooming inside that is fine because these types of flowers will bloom all year round.  This will produce enough food for the beneficial insects and bees that you are trying to attract and bring to your garden. (more…)