Onions Began Sprouting and More Seeds Planted

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Today is a quick update on what has been happening in the garden and new seeds that have been planted inside.  As you know onions were planted about a couple of weeks ago during some of the warmer days that we had.  Onions love cooler temperatures and a moist soil.  Luckily the past week has provided them with the desired environment for them to grow rather quickly.

I also have some updates regarding the last of the beneficial flowers that I have planted indoors.  I always find it important to grow as much as you can in the beginning, but these plants are very quick to generate flowers and they can be used as an herb as well.

Some flowers that I planted earlier in the season have began sprouting and are starting to show signs of small blossoms.  If they start blooming inside that is fine because these types of flowers will bloom all year round.  This will produce enough food for the beneficial insects and bees that you are trying to attract and bring to your garden.

I always make sure that I utilize all the time that I have in the gardening season especially before growing directly in the garden.  For instance I planted more tomato super-sauce seeds because I am not confident that I have enough for a good harvest.

This is why I planted twelve new pots that exclusively have the super-sauce seeds in them.  They are placed under the fluorescent lights for quick sprouting.  Three of them were placed in peat pots while the rest were planted in standard small plastic pots.

I also planted extra seeds of eggplant, peppers, and melon.  I only used two pots for each of them.  I also planted six more cucumbers because some of the ones I had were beginning to turn pale and die.  This is just an insurance for plants that do not make it into the garden.  I can still always directly sow them into the garden if I have to.

I also decided to grow the last of the beneficial plants that will be planted throughout the garden once everything else is planted.  Cilantro is a great herb that is perfect for many dishes because you can use the leaves and the seeds that they produce.

They also have a beautiful flower which will bring many insects to help in the success of your garden.  Giving these insects a choice for different types of flowers will help in bringing many different species to help in keeping down populations of parasites and plant damaging insects.

Onions have finally began sprouting and they are on their way to growing a large vegetable for an excellent harvest.  Since they were planted a little bit later than usual they might not get as big as expected.  Although I will still provide them with the nutrients and fertilizer they will need throughout the season.

Onion sprouting #1

Onion Sprouting #2

As you can see from these pictures the onion stems are coming through meaning that the bulbs have began growing roots which will anchor into the ground and obtain water and nutrients the plant needs.

I also have some flowers that are starting to generate buds and small flowers already.  Alyssum is usually the first to bring flowers while cosmos and calendula is usually the last.  This is just the way it works with me, but as long as they bloom during the season that is what you are looking for.  Check it out below.

Alyssum Flower White

Alyssum Blossoms

Once they produce buds as shown above they will begin to bloom and there is nothing to stop them.  This is a great sign and they will be ready to be planted outside really soon.