Last of the Spinach Transplanted to Garden

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I recently had planted nine of the strongest spinach plants into the garden last week and I had 11 that I wanted to place by the end of this week at the latest.  Yesterday I completed putting the rest into the garden and only took about a couple of hours.

I probably could have waited a little bit longer for the plants to grow more roots in order to make it easier to take them out of the containers.  Most of them seemed to come out pretty easily.


This was the first one that I planted into the ground yesterday.

Spinach Plant in the Ground

In a week or two these plants should be ready for harvesting as long as the weather holds up.  My first batch of spinach looks about time to start cutting the leaves off.

I also decided on growing some more plants indoors because I had a light that was not being used.  Since this was the case I planted some more dill, cilantro, and alyssum.  I have been growing these seeds quite a bit this season, but they happen to be my favorite and easy to maintain.

Cilantro, Dill, and Alyssum

As usual I planted them into large plastic spinach containers that I have collected over the years.

Not only that but I also planted a couple of vegetables as well.  Two peppers and eggplant seeds were placed into plastic cups that will also sit underneath this fluorescent light.

Eggplant seeds.

Eggplant Seeds in Soil

Pepper seeds.

Pepper seeds in soil

Placed three seeds into each cup making sure that at least one of them will sprout.