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planting spinach

The Garden Season Has Started with the Planting of Spinach

The garden season is officially here and the first planting that starts the season is spinach.  Very easy to grow plants and great for cooler weather especially with the cold temperatures that I have been getting in my area.

Tons of snow and very chilly temperatures is why I have delayed the planting of spinach about a week later.  I usually start in the last month of February, but this year I decided on trying them the first week of March. (more…)

Transplanting Spinach Into The Garden

Today we are finally going to discuss transplanting spinach into the garden.  It is a very simple process to complete once you know exactly how to perform this task.  I like to transplant them a certain way which I have been doing for over a decade since I started growing these healthy leaves.

It only takes about an hour to accomplish, but if you are new to this then it might take a little bit longer.  Once you start doing you will inevitably get used to it and you will become a master at moving these plants into your home garden.  It all starts with making some holes using a large shovel which you can see here. (more…)

Hardening All Your Spinach Plants Outside

Before setting your plants outside in their permanent home there is one important step you need to proceed with.  You need to make sure that you acclimate your spinach plants to the weather and temperature changes that it will face in the garden.  People who forget this step usually end up with a poor harvest and wonder why it happened.  Hardening is something that all gardeners face especially if you grow your plants inside or if you buy them from your local greenhouse.

So far I have only placed a couple of spinach plants outside to get used to the weather and cooler temperatures.  I have recently placed the rest of them to acclimate to these conditions that will make the transition from inside to outside permanently easier.  You will be doing this for all your plants, but right now the temperatures are still too cold to begin placing anything else outside. (more…)

Time To Begin Planting Spinach Indoors

Spinach is always the first plant of the season to be grown indoors prior to spring. Since I live in zone 6 it wouldn’t be smart to plant them outside because it is still too cold even for spinach. I like to start them inside because this will allow them to develop quickly and healthy before placing them in the garden.

Since they will be inside I needed to make sure that I start them in a slightly cooler place then any other plants. I happened to place them in the basement because it usually remains around 50 degrees Fahrenheit through the entire winter. (more…)