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spinach harvested

Finished Tilling the Garden and More Spinach Harvesting

It has been a little while since I last made a post, but it has been quite busy nevertheless.  First of all I finally completed tilling the garden this evening and it took quite a few days to do this.  It took much longer than usual and that was mostly because I was picking up many large rocks in the garden while I was tilling.  This took some time to do.

I was hoping to be completed by last week and start planting many of my plants into the ground.  That way this week all I would have to do is begin planting seeds that are sown into the ground directly.  This includes corn, beans, and carrots. (more…)

First Spinach Harvest For 2015

Today was the first spinach harvest of this year and I was able to collect a few spinach leaves that were ready for consumption.  Spinach leaves last quite a while as long as you leave them in the fridge or cool area.

I had a couple of plants that did not transplant well and ended up bolting rather early.  Sometimes this does happen, but with approximately twenty plants this is not so bad.  I still have plenty left that are producing large leaves and others that are continuing to produce. (more…)