Finished Tilling the Garden and More Spinach Harvesting

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It has been a little while since I last made a post, but it has been quite busy nevertheless.  First of all I finally completed tilling the garden this evening and it took quite a few days to do this.  It took much longer than usual and that was mostly because I was picking up many large rocks in the garden while I was tilling.  This took some time to do.

I was hoping to be completed by last week and start planting many of my plants into the ground.  That way this week all I would have to do is begin planting seeds that are sown into the ground directly.  This includes corn, beans, and carrots.

Unfortunately that did not happen, but I still have some time to complete what I need to do this week.  I will just have to make the most of my time.  Utilize the entire day in order to start planting and growing seeds.

Garden Tilled

The plant in the middle is just my perennial alyssum that I had planted a few years ago and it has been coming back ever since.  It also helps in attracting beneficial insects that are a great help during the garden season.

Below is the alyssum up close.  Once they bloom that will be it for the entire year.  My annual alyssum plants will bloom continuously until the end of the season.

Perennial Alyssum

Here are the annual alyssum plants starting to flower.

Annual Alyssum Blooming

Spinach has been growing quite well and I have left them to grow larger leaves instead of picking them too early and getting small leaves better for salads.  I love the large leaves that are bigger than my hand because those are just perfect for sandwiches.  Check them out below.

Large Spinach Leaf

This is the largest spinach leaf that I have picked this season.  Most of them weren’t that much smaller, but this one is the king leaf this season.  You can see what I mean in the next photo.

Spinach Leaves

I picked up about 34 leaves yesterday and they weighed about half a pound.  These leaves will definitely last awhile and be put to good use.

Spinach Harvest

Garden season is starting to pick up so make sure that you come back here and check for more updates on my garden progress.