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steakhouse tomato

Getting Ready for Some More Peppers and Cucumbers

I have been picking mostly cherry tomatoes this entire week since most of them are at the stage of ripening. They usually come rather quickly and are the first tomatoes to be picked and continued to be harvested throughout the season. Today I picked the first steakhouse tomato along with a couple of cucumbers and some broccoli. (more…)


Getting a Little Bit More Blueberries From the Second Harvest

With spring crops ending with little left to pick it is time to move on to blueberries and other warmer weather crops. I am using a summer hybrid broccoli that is supposed to be able to withstand the warm hot summer temperatures. I plan on growing and harvesting them all season long making sure that they do not flower or go to seed. (more…)

Collecting More Pole Beans from Second Harvest

My first bean harvest which was about a week ago didn’t yield that many beans or as many as I thought I would get.  The second time I ended up getting many more including two full bowls of pole beans.

I have harvested more in other years, but I think that this is a good amount and is enough to start canning and storing them for the Winter.  The plants still are producing and I am sure that I will be harvesting more beans in the near future. (more…)

Growing Progress of Pumpkins, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and More

Just wanted to write a short post about the progress of many of my plants that include zucchini, pumpkins, tomatoes, cucumbers, and even my watermelons.  I am also going to be discussing my beans that are finally starting to produce as well as eggplants starting to flower.

Today I did happen to pick up another zucchini which makes this the second zucchini to be harvested this year.  Other vegetables and fruits will be picked very soon once they begin to mature and ripen. (more…)

Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplant Placed in Small Pots

Just wanted to let you know that I decided on planting tomatoes a little bit earlier than last season.  This year I want to make sure that I get plenty of Roma tomatoes that I can then use to make sauces that I can then store for the Winter.

I thought last years tomatoes were real good and instead of getting all new tomatoes I just purchased the same hybrid seeds I got last season.  This includes the Roma super sauce and Steakhouse varieties.  If it isn’t broken then don’t fix it is what I say. (more…)

Large Cucumbers and Steakhouse Tomato

Today was a good day while harvesting some cucumbers, tomatoes, and even another zucchini.  Earlier in the season when I first picked up some of these fruits and vegetables they were not as big as I had hoped.  The only exception being the zucchinis which were extremely larger than normal.

The cucumbers were small and the plants did not look like they were going to produce that much for the season.  I also had high hopes for the steakhouse tomatoes because the first few that were picked definitely gave me confidence that I would be getting much more in the near future. (more…)

Picked First Steakhouse Tomato

Today will be a quick post because I harvested the first steakhouse tomato of this season.  Only one was picked because it happened to be the perfect color that you would love to see with any tomato.  There were two others on the same plant, but they were not quite ready.  I will probably pick them in a couple days at the most.



First Steakhouse Tomato (more…)