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tomato sauce

Picking a Bowl Full of Cherry Tomatoes and Garden Update

I thought since it has been a while since I wrote a post that I would give you an update on the garden.  Now that all my plants are starting to produce fruit – except for broccoli and cabbage which will come later- I thought today would be a perfect time to take some pictures of the plants progress.

I left off with my corn producing silks which will lead to ears of corn as long as they are pollinated.  With the rain that we received yesterday much of the pollen has gotten wet and there is nothing that I can do except wait for it to dry and try to place it on the silks of the corn. (more…)

Corn Stalks Beginning to Produce Silks

Corn is usually one of the last things to mature and start producing ears of corn that can be cooked or eaten raw.  The very first sign that I look for is the tassels.  Once the tassels are growing that means very soon silks should begin to grow from the stalk which is the start of every corn ear.

Just a couple of days ago I saw the first sign of silks and it just happened overnight.  It doesn’t take that long before they start growing and once they get going the ears will come faster than one would think.  Once they are a good size I will then start to peel back the husks that cover them in order to know when they are ripe enough. (more…)