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transplanting spinach

Spinach Transplanted and Onions Beginning to Sprout Today

Some good news on the onion front they have begun to start sprouting this week and I noticed this today.  They probably began sprouting earlier in the week, but I didn’t have a look at them until today.  Both the onions in totes and the ones in the garden are both sprouting.

I wasn’t so sure how long it would take for the ones in the ground to begin growing because it is much different soil than what is in the totes.  I am glad that they have started growing at the same time and I can easily compare their growth rates through the summer. (more…)

Transplanting Spinach Into The Garden

Today we are finally going to discuss transplanting spinach into the garden.  It is a very simple process to complete once you know exactly how to perform this task.  I like to transplant them a certain way which I have been doing for over a decade since I started growing these healthy leaves.

It only takes about an hour to accomplish, but if you are new to this then it might take a little bit longer.  Once you start doing you will inevitably get used to it and you will become a master at moving these plants into your home garden.  It all starts with making some holes using a large shovel which you can see here. (more…)