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watermelon, Page 3

Melons, Peppers, and Beans Coming Through

Wanted to give a quick update on the garden so far and how many plants are finally starting to produce.  Some of the ones I want to discuss include peppers, cucumbers, melons, and beans.  I have not mentioned much about my peppers, but now they are beginning to flower and grow peppers.

I also went through all my melons to see if I could find some that have been pollinated and are ready to get much bigger.  They tend to grow every single day and you could even keep tract of how much they grow each day.  This is something that I don’t do, but I do take pictures of them each day to see the difference. (more…)

Removing Screens from Onions and Plant Progress

Just wanted to keep you up to date on my garden especially on the plant progress that many have gone through.  They have been doing quite good over the past couple of weeks now that the sun is out more and the weather is definitely getting warmer.

It is still not time to plant them in the ground, but placing them outside is what I have been doing the past couple of weeks.  When the time comes they will be ready to make the transition into the ground with ease. (more…)

Lettuce and Watermelon Planted Early

I actually decided on planting my watermelon seeds earlier than I usually do in order to get the best head start possible.  I will probably stick with three plants as long as three out of the six seeds I planted today sprout.

Carolina cross are some of the largest watermelons that you can grow and starting them inside is the only way that you can get a really good size watermelon.  I am also planting them in large green pots instead of using peat pots this year.  Something I am trying and I will see if it was worth the effort. (more…)

Plant Progress and Some More Alyssum Added

I want to share with you some of the progress that I have been having with my plants and some that I have added in order to maximize my time.

So far my plants are doing really good and it will soon be time to leave them out overnight and then into the garden soil they will go soon after.  Right now during warm days I have been placing them outside on a table that can hold much of my early plantings.

I also added some more flowers to addition to the ones that I started growing a month ago.  Alyssum is one of those flowers that I love to grow as much as possible because of the numerous beneficial insects it attracts.  Bees love them lady beetles, flower flies, hover flies, and so much more. (more…)

Second Phase of Vegetable Planting Indoors

Today I started another phase of vegetable planting that was needed due to some seeds not sprouting at all.  One thing that I would like to point out when growing plants inside is that you need to have patience.  This is something that I lack when it comes to growing any type of plant and it is one element that can help you in your own gardening.

Everything that I place under the lights usually takes about half the time that it would usually take if I had placed them in a windowsill.  Some plants I start with the lights some I don’t.  For instance the flowers I planted earlier in the season were started right in the windowsill.  Along with them were the sunflowers, watermelon, and tomatoes.  Everything else used the fluorescent lights which are a great help. (more…)

Start Planting Flowers, Sunflowers, and Watermelon

Today I decided it was time for getting some plants ready for the spring.  This would include alyssum, dill, and queen annes lace.  I grow these particular plants early mainly for attracting beneficial insects such as lady beetles, parasitic wasps, and even honey bees.

I also like to get a head start with watermelons and sunflowers.  Watermelons take a very long time to mature and produce fruit.  Some can take as long as 110 days.  Since I live in a temperate climate I always  like to get right into growing this fruit as soon as possible.  By the time they are ready to be planted into the garden it should be warm enough for them to flourish

Sunflowers I like to get a head start on is because this is one of the first things I need to begin flowering.  The flowers of mammoth sunflowers are perfect for attracting pollinating bees.  Whether it be honeybees or native bees these plants can attract all kinds of pollinators.  This is the main reason for getting them a head start as well. (more…)