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watermelon, Page 2

Its Time to Start Planting Fall Seeds for an October Harvest

Now that it is the end of July and the month of August is upon us it is time to start planting seeds for a good October harvest.  That is what I have done today with the planting of kale, cabbage, and broccoli.

I decided to plant an equal amount of seeds using small black containers.  I should have eight plants of each if all the seeds sprout in the next couple of weeks.  This is all I need for a good harvest. (more…)

Removing Cucumbers and Beans From the Vines

Today was a hot day with many things to do.  I had some zucchini that needed to be picked along with other vegetables that were big enough to pick.  I am mainly waiting on my tomatoes, but I will save that for later.

My beans had been doing quite well and I thought that some of them needed to be harvested right away.  If they went too long they would just make good pods for saving seeds.  This wouldn’t be so bad since that is what I did last season. (more…)

Growing Progress of Pumpkins, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and More

Just wanted to write a short post about the progress of many of my plants that include zucchini, pumpkins, tomatoes, cucumbers, and even my watermelons.  I am also going to be discussing my beans that are finally starting to produce as well as eggplants starting to flower.

Today I did happen to pick up another zucchini which makes this the second zucchini to be harvested this year.  Other vegetables and fruits will be picked very soon once they begin to mature and ripen. (more…)

Transplanting and More Seeds into Rows

The past three days have been quite busy with my plants ready for the ground and seeds that need to be planted as well.  I wanted to get most of my plants in the ground by the weekend and right now I only have a few flowers and a couple squash plants left.

Tomorrow I should finish with all my plants including planting all the seeds needed for a successful garden.  I will be planting some extra seeds of zucchini and pumpkin. (more…)

Update on All Indoor and Outdoor Plants

It’s been awhile since I wrote a post here, but it has been quite busy around here and I want to share with you what has been going on with my garden plants, plants outside, and indoor ones as well.

So far not all of my plants have been outside, but most of my flowers are enjoying the fresh cool air.  Yes it is still a little bit cool which is great for my spinach and onions. (more…)

Indoor Planting of Several Fruits and Vegetables

I have a few things to tell you about that has been happening today.  First off my spinach is staying outside longer and longer and by tomorrow they will be outside for the entire day and night.  This will be a relief because I can soon look forward to finally plant them in the ground.

On another note I have some more seeds starting to sprout and these were the last two that I thought would take a little bit longer to begin with.  Three of my watermelons are showing signs of life and the Queen Anne’s lace has several coming up from the soil. (more…)

Several Flowers and a Couple Melons Planted

Today was probably the busiest out of the entire year for gardening.  I planted some more flowers that I needed to get completed and I am planting them a little big sooner than last year.  It is only a week earlier, but every day helps in getting a good head start.

I decided on growing five different flowers today and they are all going on the windowsill instead of fluorescent light.  Most of the flowers I used large plastic pots while only one I decided on planted them in shallow peat pots. (more…)

More Beans, Corn, and Peppers with Eggplant on the Way

This week was more harvesting of various vegetables including beans, corn, and peppers.  For now these will be the main harvesting vegetables that I will be picking over the next couple of weeks until my eggplants are ready.

I have about five eggplants growing on three plants which have been getting bigger each day since about a week ago.  My other plants are finally starting to get flowers and I think they will have enough time to start producing eggplants of their own. (more…)

First Harvest of Corn, Cantaloupe, and Some More Tomatoes

It has been very busy this week especially with all new harvests of corn and cantaloupes.  The cantaloupe was nearly by accident because I wanted to check out the connection between the melon and the vine and when I turned it over it just came right off.  Good thing the melon was pretty much ready anyways.

The other cantaloupe that I picked was coming off from the vine so I just decided on removing it since it was going to come done at any moment.  No reason to leave it on the vine like that. (more…)

Tomatoes Turning Red and Melons Getting Bigger

A couple of things have been happening in the garden and I wanted to take a look at some of the fruits that are beginning to grow and get much bigger.  This includes both cantaloupes and the one watermelon that is thriving quite well.

Some of the vines on my cantaloupe plants actually have two melons growing and they were covered by the leaves and I happen to miss them when I was working with my plants.  Hopefully they will not take too much nutrients from each other making them smaller than they should. (more…)