Spinach Harvesting and Tilling Garden

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It has been a little while since my last post, but I promise that I will not go that long without writing an update again.  This month is getting a little busy and being behind at least a couple weeks I will have to get my garden going as quickly as possible.

I first started with picking spinach leaves at the beginning of the week with most of my plants producing large leaves.  This season I wanted to grow them longer before I started cutting the leaves and it definitely was worth it.

Here are some of my spinach plants that I picked leaves from.

Spinach Plants

Spinach Plant #2

I picked only 77 leaves for now, but I am sure that more will come in the very near future.  Take a look at some of the large leaves I got this week.

Dark spinach leaves are always the best because they are packed with more nutrients than light green leaves.

Large Dark Spinach Leaves

Bowl of Spinach Leaves

These leaves will be perfect for sandwiches and salads.

After I picked all the spinach leaves that I could this week I then got working on tilling the entire garden.  It only took me two days this year to till the entire garden.

This is what it looked like just before cultivating the garden.

Before Tilling Garden

After tilling the garden.

After Tilling the Garden

After Tilling Garden #2

After Tilling Garden #3

The yellow flowers in the middle are my perennial alyssum flowers and the green plants you see throughout the garden are feverfew plants.  The feverfew should be flowering within the next couple of weeks.