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Eric Fernandes, Page 16

Lettuce and Flowers Sprouting

Just wanted to write a short post on how my plants are doing and some of the many seeds, flowers, and plants beginning to sprout.  I have been watching my spinach closely along with the weather, because it will soon be time to place them in the ground.

With some of the warm weather we have been getting this month I have been putting my spinach plants outdoors getting them ready to be planted into the ground.  This week has been quite cloudy and they have not been able to take advantage of the sun or lack thereof. (more…)

Several Flowers and a Couple Melons Planted

Today was probably the busiest out of the entire year for gardening.  I planted some more flowers that I needed to get completed and I am planting them a little big sooner than last year.  It is only a week earlier, but every day helps in getting a good head start.

I decided on growing five different flowers today and they are all going on the windowsill instead of fluorescent light.  Most of the flowers I used large plastic pots while only one I decided on planted them in shallow peat pots. (more…)

Two Types of Lettuce Being Planted

Similar to last season I am going to plant two types which include black seeded Simpson and the Ruby glow hybrid.  Both of these plants I had last season, but I was not too impressed on how these plants grew and I want grow them again.

I also had some problems with groundhogs which ended up eating most of the Ruby glow lettuce.  This definitely decreased the yield that I could have received if I didn’t have to deal with these pests.  That is why I am going to try it again this season. (more…)

Spinach Sprouting and Dill Planted in Large Containers

Not long after planting my alyssum this week I noticed that my spinach seeds were beginning to sprout.  I didn’t think they would sprout within a week of planting them, but I am not complaining.  This is much better than having them not sprout at all.

The earlier they begin to grow the faster that they can get to a good size before planting them outside.  Since they sprouted sooner this means that they will be planted in the ground much sooner or at least until I can work the soil. (more…)

Alyssum Seeds are Next for Planting Indoors

Now that March has arrived it is the best time to start growing the majority of plants that I need indoors.  Right now I do have spinach planted and although they have not sprouted yet, I am sure that they will soon protrude through the soil in a week or so.

I always like to get my flower seeds planted right away because they need a good head start so when it is time to place them in the ground they will be flowering or close to flowering.  This way they will flower for the rest of the season without having to worry about them. (more…)

Planting Seeds of Spinach Indoors Started Today

The season is finally here and it is time to plant as many seeds indoors as possible beginning with spinach.  Spinach is a cold plant and is perfect for starting indoors and bringing them outside on good days during the month of March.

I have been sifting my worm compost this past week because I use quite a bit of it when I start my seed planting indoors.  I also use it during the season as well which is great for any plant especially with tomatoes. (more…)

Ordering Some New Seeds for 2016

Now that it is 2016 and the garden season will soon start in another month or so I thought it would be good to buy the seeds I needed for this new year.  I have a few new things that I plan on growing this season, but nothing that I can’t handle.

I will be saving some money this year from seeds that I have saved from the previous season.  I actually saved some amaranthus seeds that came from both the green and red varieties.  As always I saved at least one ear of corn that I left on the stalk to dry and then brought it inside once it was ready. (more…)

Digging Up Carrots For Thanksgiving

It has been a while since I wrote my last post, but it has been pretty uneventful in regards to the garden.  I have been picking broccoli on a consistent basis usually two to three times per week.  At the moment I have been collecting and it seems that the cold weather is starting to get to them because they have stopped producing.

I picked some large heads this season which I am very happy about and also some small ones too.  They didn’t taste bitter which I was a little worried about in the beginning, but in the end they had the exact taste I was looking for. (more…)

Garden Cleanup and Broccoli Harvesting

It has been a while since my last post, but now that the season is pretty much over there is not much to write about.  Luckily I grew a fall crop and my broccoli is starting to come through and I have been harvesting them since the beginning of October.

I also decided that it was time to begin cleaning up the garden.  This means removing my pole bean trellis, digging up roots such as my sunflowers, peppers, eggplants, and many others.  I will probably rake up the loose debris in the garden as well so that I don’t have to do much when the season starts again next year. (more…)

Some More Broccoli, Beans, and Peppers

This week was kind of busy for this time of the year with the harvesting of beans, peppers, and broccoli.  I was not surprised with broccoli because this is the fall season and I expect them to continue growing and flourishing.

I was most surprised with my beans because I thought I had picked the last of them in the previous harvest.  I was going to save the last for seeds, but I noticed that there were actually plenty more to pick.  I made sure that I did leaves some of the large pods on the vines because those will be used for next years seeds. (more…)