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Cabbage, Page 2

Picking More Zucchinis Along with Pumpkins and Cucumbers Growing

This past week has been crazy because I have been weeding my garden every single day trying to stay ahead of the growth of the plants in the garden.  Getting behind can be a pain because weeds will be growing faster than I can remove them.

By staying ahead I can work on other things in the garden such as laying down layers of mulch to block weeds, placing ropes on my bean trellis for my pole beans to climb, fertilizing many plants, and so much more. (more…)

One Last Pole Bean Harvest for 2014

Right now temperatures are too low for plants to produce any more flowers or fruit.  The last productive plants that are left and was able to get a late crop from would be the pole beans that are barely hanging on.  They will be removed from the garden very soon once I get all the corn stalks cut and ready for burning.

This week I went outside and saw that there were still plenty of pole beans left to pick and decided to get another harvest.  I was surprised at the amount that wast left and filled up about four containers worth of these beans.  It was enough to make another batch of canning. (more…)

Three More Eggplants Harvested

Another slow week for gardening and with the weather getting cooler plants are starting to whither and die.  Yesterday we had plenty of rain that helped in the growth of my cabbage, celery, and pole beans that are continuing to produce flowers.

I didn’t think pole beans would last this long, but I am not complaining because I love beans.  Today I picked up three more eggplants that had showed signs of ripeness when I took a look at them.  Now that I have picked three today I only have one left that is still in the garden.  That one will be harvested soon with some more good weather. (more…)