Three More Eggplants Harvested

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Another slow week for gardening and with the weather getting cooler plants are starting to whither and die.  Yesterday we had plenty of rain that helped in the growth of my cabbage, celery, and pole beans that are continuing to produce flowers.

I didn’t think pole beans would last this long, but I am not complaining because I love beans.  Today I picked up three more eggplants that had showed signs of ripeness when I took a look at them.  Now that I have picked three today I only have one left that is still in the garden.  That one will be harvested soon with some more good weather.

These eggplants were a good size and weighed in total four and a half pounds.  Not as big as the previous two, but still good enough to make a meal out of each one.  That is all that I am looking for when I grow these unique vegetables and getting a meal out each eggplant is what I aim to accomplish.

Three Eggplants

They are each pretty much equal size a weighed about the same as well.

I am also continuing to see flowers coming from my pole beans during this month as well.  This means that I should have more pole beans to pick real soon and I will probably pick more tomorrow giving them a little bit more time to get as big as they can.

I went outside today and saw that many of them had reached their peak and I was debating whether or not I should harvest them today, but instead I harvested my eggplants and I will leave my pole beans for tomorrow.

Pole Bean Flowers

My cabbage plants are probably growing the best because they do not like the warm weather and thrive in much cooler fall or early spring temperatures.  It is starting to feel like fall and because of that the cabbage leaves are starting to get bigger.

I also placed a layer of mulch that should have helped during this past week with all the rain they received.  It should have retained much of the water and will help out the plants for the remaining season.

Cabbage Plant