One Last Pole Bean Harvest for 2014

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Right now temperatures are too low for plants to produce any more flowers or fruit.  The last productive plants that are left and was able to get a late crop from would be the pole beans that are barely hanging on.  They will be removed from the garden very soon once I get all the corn stalks cut and ready for burning.

This week I went outside and saw that there were still plenty of pole beans left to pick and decided to get another harvest.  I was surprised at the amount that wast left and filled up about four containers worth of these beans.  It was enough to make another batch of canning.

Take a look at the last harvest of the summer season, this not including the carrots that are still in the ground.

Last Pole Bean Harvest for 2014

This is probably all that is left from these plants.  It was basically one last harvest before the plants are no longer productive.  No more flowers are growing and there are only a few plants that actually have beans still on them.  Most of them have fallen or are beginning to turn yellow.

I also took down the tomato stakes that were hold the tomato plants up during the summer when they had fruit.  Now that the temperatures are much lower than the summer they have began to die and it was time to remove them from the garden.

All I had to do is just pull out each plant and detach them from the stretch ties and strips of jeans that I used.  This only took about an hour to accomplish.  Here you can see most of the stakes and plants removed.

Removed Tomato Stakes

I left a couple of them still in the ground, but I will probably take them out before the week is out.  A frost has not came but I am sure that it will be pointless to leave them in the ground.  They are not going to be producing flowers or fruit any more for the season.

Digging up the corn stalks is what I did today because they were done long time ago.  Once I picked the corn from them they were done, but I like to leave some of them in the ground especially if they still have an ear of corn attached to them.

I will let a few of them dry out and the driest one I will use for seeds the next season.  That is why I dig them up during late October and early November.


Dead Corn Stalks


Corn Stalks Removed

Now I also still have some cabbage that I planted during the summer months to be ready for the fall.  I only have a few because I only planted a short row.  They are growing quite well especially with all the rain we received the past couple of weeks.  I haven’t had to go out and water them.  They will probably be fine for the rest of the season.

Here you can have a look at how they are growing below.

Small Cabbage Plant

The last thing that I will have to do this week is collect all my pumpkins and bring them in before Halloween.  I was able to get six pumpkins with only five plants.  This doesn’t normally happen, but this year one plant was able to produce a second fruit on the vine and was pollinated.

I will take some pictures of them once I bring them in and before they are carved out for Friday.  Make sure to check back soon.