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Cucumbers, Page 4

The First of Many Peppers and Ears of Corn

Two new vegetables have been picked this past week.  These would include both peppers and corn.  Peppers I picked a few days ago while corn was just recently harvested today.

I have been continuing to pick the usual which includes zucchini, cucumbers, Roma tomatoes, and cherry tomatoes.  Only a few of my steakhouse tomatoes have been harvested this year.  The good news is that the three plants that are growing them have plenty and I am just waiting for them to ripen. (more…)

Gathering More Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers

Just another day of harvesting both cucumbers and ripe and red cherry tomatoes.  I have plenty of cherry tomatoes on my plants and I think I will have many more harvests to accomplish in the next few weeks or at least this month.

My cucumbers have been growing quite well and I have picked at least a couple dozen in the past few weeks.  As long as the vines keep growing I should be seeing more cucumbers. (more…)

Collecting More Pole Beans from Second Harvest

My first bean harvest which was about a week ago didn’t yield that many beans or as many as I thought I would get.  The second time I ended up getting many more including two full bowls of pole beans.

I have harvested more in other years, but I think that this is a good amount and is enough to start canning and storing them for the Winter.  The plants still are producing and I am sure that I will be harvesting more beans in the near future. (more…)

Its Time to Start Planting Fall Seeds for an October Harvest

Now that it is the end of July and the month of August is upon us it is time to start planting seeds for a good October harvest.  That is what I have done today with the planting of kale, cabbage, and broccoli.

I decided to plant an equal amount of seeds using small black containers.  I should have eight plants of each if all the seeds sprout in the next couple of weeks.  This is all I need for a good harvest. (more…)

Removing Cucumbers and Beans From the Vines

Today was a hot day with many things to do.  I had some zucchini that needed to be picked along with other vegetables that were big enough to pick.  I am mainly waiting on my tomatoes, but I will save that for later.

My beans had been doing quite well and I thought that some of them needed to be harvested right away.  If they went too long they would just make good pods for saving seeds.  This wouldn’t be so bad since that is what I did last season. (more…)

Growing Progress of Pumpkins, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and More

Just wanted to write a short post about the progress of many of my plants that include zucchini, pumpkins, tomatoes, cucumbers, and even my watermelons.  I am also going to be discussing my beans that are finally starting to produce as well as eggplants starting to flower.

Today I did happen to pick up another zucchini which makes this the second zucchini to be harvested this year.  Other vegetables and fruits will be picked very soon once they begin to mature and ripen. (more…)

First Zucchini of the Season and More Lettuce Picked

So far I have been picking lettuce both Ruby glow and iceberg, but today I finally got to pick something new for the season.  The very first zucchini of 2016 was recorded this morning in my gardening journal.  It weighed three pounds and looks to be used within the next couple of days.

I also picked the most amount of leaves this morning from my iceberg lettuce patch.  My Ruby glow hybrid looks like it is going to seed very soon.  It is not surprising since these plants do not like the heat and it has been very warm for them over the past couple of weeks. (more…)

Steakhouse Tomato, Zucchini, and Ruby Glow Harvest

I am now getting some more tomatoes that are coming from most of my plants.  There are only a couple that don’t have any fruit yet, but they do have flowers which should bring some fruit very soon.

As I can see it looks like I am getting steakhouse tomatoes along with some cherry tomatoes.  I am probably getting some Roma tomatoes, but I am not quite certain which ones they are.  I would say in about a week I should know if I have any Roma tomatoes growing. (more…)

Tying Up My Tomato Plants With First Sign of Fruit

I always like tying up my tomatoes before they start producing because it will make it much easier later on.  When the fruit start appearing on the plants I don’t have to worry because my stretch ties will be able to hold the weight.

I knew my plants were producing flowers, but I didn’t think I would get any fruit start growing this early.  I am a little surprised, but definitely excited to see what type of tomato this is.  I have a total of four plants that have very tiny tomatoes beginning to grow. (more…)

Staking Tomatoes, Sprouting and Thinning Plants

Another busy week now that garden season is in full swing with transplanting, planting seeds, weeding, feeding, mulching and now staking my tomatoes.  I like to stake my tomatoes as soon as possible; preferably right when I transplant them to the garden.

Although I didn’t stake them right when I transplanted them I did in fact place them in shortly after they were added into the garden soil.  I like to put the stakes as close to the plant as possible so that it will make it easier to tie them to the stakes. (more…)